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  • Architecture Residential

    Culture . Life . Time
    by Sneha Dhanuka  |  21 Aug 2022

    Cross Laminated ...

  • Architecture Cultural Infrastructure Masterplan

    Urban Arcology
    by Mateo  |  20 Aug 2022

    This project is based on the concept of Arcology, developed by the Italian architect Paolo Soleri, who was aware that cities were not adequate for humans since they were perceived as chaotic and detrimental to our well-being. As a consequence of his awareness, Soleri came up with Arcology (architecture + ...

  • Architecture Educational

    Naples School of Arts and Crafts
    by Michele  |  16 Aug 2022

    Within the Design Laboratory 3 course we tackled three themes that dominated the entire project, namely: The high school of arts and crafts, the module and the non-standard prefabrication. We are in Naples in an area between the central station and the main bus station. As per guidelines, the new ...

  • Architecture Cultural Educational Masterplan

    Plan 'Bee'
    by Xii Don Lim  |  15 Aug 2022

    Plan "Bee" - changing "plan A" for a better, revitalized urban Manchester with greenery to reduce NO2 pollution along the A57(M) and Oxford Road, stemming from my scheme response 'The Harvest' as a call and very visible force for greater action from Manchester City Council. The scheme can justifiably use ...

  • Architecture Educational Furniture Hospitality

    by The Design Umbrella  |  28 Jul 2022

    The project to design shared accommodation spaces, or a hostel block, is located in the advancing city of Ahmedabad with a high density of infrastructural context near Gulbai Tekra. The compact site of 800 square meters is encompassed with edifices on its three sides, leaving a minimal area with height restrictions ...

  • Interior Furniture Residential

    by The Design Umbrella  |  27 Jul 2022

    Nestled in an apartment in the cultured city of Ahmedabad, lies this innovatively designed house by the firm ‘The Design Umbrella’ that aspires to create a new fold experiment with the discovered concept of ‘functionality’. This compact abode is designed keeping in mind the current ascend in land prizes, on ...

  • Interior Furniture Residential

    by The Design Umbrella  |  27 Jul 2022

    The project brief was to merge two adjacent apartments into a singular apartment. Functional requirements included three bedrooms, a very spacious kitchen, a formal living room, a family room with a jhula (swing), an impressive arrival space and a study room. The client being a doctor stressed upon the ...

  • Urban Cultural Infrastructure Masterplan

    RiverBANK : Bank of food, land and biodiversity
    by Shrayana Ray  |  25 Jul 2022

    The project RiverBANK is an integrated system of productive agro-based network that lend spaces to community for growing food (at the river-side site and in the city). The main design is at the river edge where the sloppy terrain is re-structured into terraced spaces for the community to grow food. ...

  • Design Educational Installation

    Shaping Things
    by Sutanuka Jashu  |  24 Jul 2022

    SHAPING THINGS A journey to explore , through making of a personal object , each one's Identity The world is in a state of chaos. With huge turns of events happening around us everyday it has become hard to distinguish between day and night, life and death, fantasy and reality . Somehow ...

  • Architecture Cultural Residential

    'Neighborhood' for all - A feminist approach to Domestic Spaces
    by Kinjal Joshi  |  15 Jul 2022

    The house dissolves itself in the city or the city permeates every dimension of the house. There is a constant argument about how the design of domestic spaces and their surroundings affect not just differently but differentially. The idea strives behind creating progressive new typology to subvert design conventions and ...

  • Urban Commercial Cultural Religious

    Re-Imagining Girivalam - Altering Pilgrimage experience
    by Thenmozhi  |  27 Jun 2022

    Tiruvannamalai is one of the most famous pilgrimage sites in India situated in a very serene, secluded location amidst nature. The Pilgrimage journey involves a circumambulatory path around the sacred hill, temple, ashrams, and tanks combined with a series of spiritual experiences and rituals which helps the user to experience ...

  • Interior Furniture Healthcare Residential

    Assited Living Design
    by MINGMING ZHAO  |  26 Jun 2022

    This is an assisted living project for seniors. In this project, the designer will be responsible for two parts, the common area, and the private residential unit. The color, material, and furniture are chosen and matched for the use of elderly people, a special client group. Since most elderly people have ...

  • Urban Infrastructure Masterplan

    Food Cover
    by Abhishek Mummithi  |  15 Jun 2022

    Erratic rainfall patterns in Gujarat, led to lower vegetable acreage in 2019. Due to water scarcity in the state, incomplete canal infrastructure and at times lack of access to other sources, farmers in the region are able to cultivate vegetables only in areas where groundwater is available. Gujarat is also ...

  • Design Installation Pavilion

    by Rithika Vedapuri  |  08 Jun 2022

    The Pile is an installation design concept derived from the usage of plastic in female hygiene products. The project aims to metaphorically represent the load of trash that is collected as part of the usage of female hygiene products and begins to create a space for conversation and discussion on ...

  • Interior Civic Healthcare Retail

    Garima Sthal
    by Tasha Singh  |  07 Jun 2022

    The question, how can architecture create dignity for all? Raised by John Cary, resonated deeply with me. I strongly believe that design is not only for a privileged few but for everyone. This would not only diversify the client base for design but also create new forms of design-a new typology. With ...

  • Design Healthcare

    Canopy of Thoughts
    by Elyssa Sykes-Smith  |  04 Jun 2022

    Canopy of Thoughts is an ongoing climate psychology project that exists in iterative recreations in a variety of materials and locations. It approaches the topic of environmental sustainability as a human rights issue and aims to highlight the impact of the global climate crisis on mental health. The artwork visually ...

  • Urban Cultural Masterplan Residential

    Sva - A vision of Self sustenance
    by Dharan Koruduvar  |  31 May 2022

    According to UN World Urbanization prospects, in the past 40 years, the global population has grown by 80%. In nearly 50 years the urban population will reach about 70% of the global (world population prospects, 2006). This influx from rural to urban areas and massive urbanization creates numerous environmental and ...

  • Architecture Commercial Cultural Installation

    Curtains + Couture - Rethinking the Curtain Wall
    by Raj Periwal  |  28 May 2022

    The curtain wall, traditionally an icon of modern architecture, takes its name from curtains, but it seems to be misnamed, to begin with. The translation of curtains to the modern curtain wall seems disingenuous. It echoes what structure does and is a direct translation of it, but it has the ...

  • Architecture Healthcare Pavilion

    by Artificial Territories   |  06 May 2022

    Thousands of inert flying machines are stored across the world. This project aim to express the architectural potential of these aeronautic wastes. Aircraft’s parts are designed to be light and extremely resistant, so we can imagine to transform them into mobile architectures that can be easily transported. This reuse design ...

  • Architecture Commercial

    Green Future
    by Hanying Zhao  |  29 Apr 2022

    The urban context selected by our project this time is located in Kwun Tong District, Hong Kong, China, and the urban issue studied is air pollution. It is learned that because Hong Kong is located in a place with more people and less land, and community construction projects are developed ...

  • Landscape Cultural Pavilion

    Site Mirador - architecture competition entry
    by Christina Strantzali  |  20 Apr 2022

    Wandering around the cliffs of the Zavial Battery, one can stumble upon Site Mirador, an intimate space of contemplation and a landmark within the Mediterranean landscape that celebrates the existing ruins. The proposal for the Site Mirador aims to reconnect the existing fragmentary ruins with the non-existing Fortress in a new whole ...

  • Urban Civic Cultural Educational

    by Patrice ELMER  |  10 Mar 2022

    Atlantis is rather like a vast Academy stretched over 5 hectares. It will host exhibitions, meetings, study courses, performances amidst all the activities connected with the life of an artist’ colony, a gathering of scientists, thinkers, patrons,and student living together for a while, working, searching,debating and taking part in the ...

  • Architecture Commercial Educational Residential

    by Devanshi Rupesh Shah  |  27 Feb 2022

    DRIVE - IN Urban Park is conceptualized as a mixed-use project. It is an amalgamation of residential, commercial, institutional and recreational typologies, situated in the vibrant context of the infamous DRIVE-IN Cinema, Ahmedabad.

  • Architecture Religious

    by Devanshi Rupesh Shah  |  27 Feb 2022

    Herz Jesu Church was initially conceptualized by Architect Peter Zumthor, as a sacred serene space washed in blue light from the conifers, making the spatial experience divine. This is project has been contextualized in Mirzapur, Ahmedabad, India.

  • Interior Furniture Residential

    by Alexandra Mileska  |  23 Feb 2022

    The project includes interior design of an apartment with living room, kitchen, toilet and bedroom, which is currently under construction. It is located on the first floor and it has a terrace. It is equipped according to modern standards where white and green colors with shades of gold and ...

  • Architecture Civic Residential

    by Katerina Kouni  |  23 Feb 2022

    In this project we were given a pretty small plot of land in Patras, Greece and were asked to design both a house and a work place. The building had to cover maximum the 70% of the plot and be maximum 200 m^2. My house and ...

  • Architecture Educational Industrial Infrastructure

    The Green Hill
    by Enrica Agus Klumper  |  14 Feb 2022

    The green hill is my interpretation of the near future service station. It seeks to respond to the site’s and users’ needs in a relevant and impactful way while taking into consideration our climate crisis. After researching in depth the site's social and political context I decided to serve the ...

  • Architecture Residential

    Poverty Alleviating Architecture
    by Grace Woo  |  13 Feb 2022

    This article look into the more holistic approach to philanthropist architecture by using building technology to provide for the basic needs of water and food that are desperately needed in the developing countries such as Kakuma, Kenya.

  • Urban Civic Infrastructure Masterplan

    Border Dynamics: Park as Parliament
    by PinChu Chen  |  07 Feb 2022

    Sited on the border between Norway and Russia, this project reconsiders the autonomy of the town of Kirkenes. The region has a complex history of territorial dispute and mineral extraction, attracting investors from the globe to invest, extract and occupy. As a result, this area has become a semi-peripheral place ...

  • Landscape Infrastructure Masterplan

    Fluid Strata
    by Dafni Filippa  |  07 Feb 2022

    The project is inspired by the urgent need for resilient landscape systems which can be introduced into the urban environment to mitigate unpredicted tidal and storm surges. The city of London is directly linked to the North Sea, which is known for high intertidal currents carrying large bodies of water ...