Analía (Tana) Girardi Barreau

  • Institute: Agidis + UBA + UNR Buenos Aires Argentina
  • Location: Argentina

Analia Girardi-Barreau Industrial Designer - UBA +54 911 5456 4818 - Whatsapp J.T.P - Ergonomics - FADU - UBA J.T.P - Technology - FAPYD - UNR Researcher Categorized 4 CIN National Interuniversity Council Technological Development Area Coordinator (SCyT - FAPyD - UNR) Founder Agidis Studio


Design and optimization of a system for assisted gait rehabilitation with gyroscopic inertial stabilization, applicable to people with motor disability

Design    |    06 Feb 2022   

Summary: This project seeks to collaborate with the patient in the relearning of walking through the application of a set made up of a harness with an upper guide and a system of gyroscopes, which could contribute to the restoration of balance during the walking phases. It is proposed to show the